How will Martyn’s Law be enforced

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Enforcement and Support for Martyn's Law

Enforcement through the Regulator

Role of the Regulator: Martyn's Law will be enforced through a dedicated regulatory body, referred to simply as "the Regulator," which will be responsible for monitoring compliance and advising premises within its scope.

Tools for Enforcement: To ensure adherence to the new law and to address instances of non-compliance, the Regulator will be equipped with a range of tools, including investigatory powers and the ability to impose monetary sanctions.

Guidance and Accountability: This approach ensures that there are both guidance and accountability mechanisms in place to enforce Martyn's Law effectively.

Proportionate Measures

Consultation with Business Community: The development of Martyn's Law has involved significant consultation with the business community to ensure that while security measures are enhanced, they do not place an undue burden on businesses.

Striking a Balance: The aim is to strike a balance between achieving better public security and maintaining the operational feasibility for businesses. Proportionate measures mean that venues take steps that are reasonable and within their capacity.

Support from Stakeholders

  • Public Consultation: The Protect Duty consultation in 2021 showed that seven out of ten respondents agreed with the principle that those responsible for publicly accessible locations should take appropriate measures to protect the public from terrorist attacks.
  • Manchester Arena Inquiry Report: The Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume One Report explicitly recommended the introduction of a legislative requirement aimed at enhancing the safety and security of public venues.
  • Advocacy and Campaigning: Figen Murray and the Martyn’s Law campaign team have been instrumental in advocating for the introduction of this legislation.
  • Ongoing Engagement: The government continues to engage with a wide range of stakeholders to understand the impact of the proposed measures and to collaborate on enhancing public security.

Martyn's Law represents a collaborative effort to enhance public safety in the face of terrorist threats. Through careful consultation and engagement, alongside the establishment of a dedicated regulatory body, the law aims to ensure that venues across the UK are better prepared to protect their staff and the public, all while managing the operational and financial impact on businesses.